FREE DATING SITE|Dating Tips-02: Leadership, Not Control


FREE DATING SITE|Dating Tips-02:  Leadership, Not Control




Similarly, when it comes down to being a leader, women love men who can take charge. This goes hand-in-hand with being confident. It helps women feel secure and know that their man knows his way in the world and can defend her and potentially their home and family in the future. It’s a very basic, instinctual need in women and it goes a long way. That is not to say that it always needs to be in a major area, such as being a leader in your job or having your own business. Even if you have a regular job or no job at all, being a leader can just mean taking charge. For example, when entering a restaurant, you talk to the hostess and ask for a table. You also walk ahead of your date when the waitress is leading you to your table. You are leading your lady. Even in the most traditional etiquette books, a man leads the way to a table in a restaurant. Here’s a common scene: A female takes a guy with her to a car dealership so that he can help her negotiate a good deal. Yet, when they arrive, he just sits silently next to her while she does all the talking. This is a major turnoff and you can bet that the woman will be disappointed. Don’t speak beyond your own knowledge base, but be assertive and strong nonetheless. Do a little research of your own perhaps, so you have some idea of what you’re talking about. So guys, be aware of the typical areas where men are expected to take charge and lead! This will go a long, long way with your lady. Keep in mind this is very different from being controlling. When you lead, you make suggestions for a date, but leave the final decision up to them. For the first three dates you should plan what the two of you will do, but remain flexible for any conflicts with her schedule or preferences. After that, you can lead by proposing and she can pick something she likes. If you’re a control freak, then you will tend to insist on only doing what you want, when you want. You will want it your way and will feel threatened and insecure if the woman is unhappy with your plans. It’s very important to catch yourself when you do that, as this will quickly lead to you manipulating the situation or starting to play games, which as we know is a big no-no on the road to success with women! So keep in mind the distinction. When you’re starting to feel threatened or insecure or, worse, controlled, ask yourself why this is happening. Most likely it is because your status quo, or your ego, feels threatened. Remember that that’s a false signal. Don’t fall into that trap or you may lose a great girl due to your own issues. To learn more dating tips to visit our site and Try and Test this tip with our dating girls Free….


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