FREE DATING SITE | Dating Tips-01: Self Confidence, Not Arrogance

 FREE DATING SITE|Dating Tips-01: Self Confidence, Not Arrogance


Self Confidence, Not Arrogance The number one rule is to be confident. A lot of men confuse this with being arrogant. There is a huge difference between the two in the eyes of a woman. A confident man takes the lead, but is flexible with his woman. He’s a gentleman, yet knows what he wants. He takes charge of a situation, but is not domineering or imposing. His behavior is classy and subdued, yet strong. He has thick skin for challenges in life, but handles them smoothly. He’s sensitive to his woman’s needs. Being confident really comes from the inside of who you are. It’s the internal power that you feel. When that’s the case, you don’t need to externalize less-attractive behaviors in order to seem confident. An arrogant man is full of himself, talks more about himself than anything else, isn’t interested or sensitive to the woman he’s dating, doesn’t care to make an effort for her and clearly is just out for himself and his pleasures. Men often assume that women just want a confident guy. So, they think that being loud and obnoxious to a waiter or cutting in front of a crowd will score him some points. Unfortunately, a serious woman will see through this behavior very quickly. If you want to show confidence, it’s a much more subtle skill. It really comes down to being confident in your good nature and your good intentions. It is treating people with respect. It is standing your ground in critical situations when you know you’re right, without being rude. It is being a gentleman without feeling that you’re a doormat. It is being proud of your achievements without throwing them in the face of every woman you meet. It is not using manipulation to get what you want. Simply put, it comes down to being humble and strong. To learn more dating tips to visit our site and Try and Test this tip with our dating girls Free….


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